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Friday, December 29, 2006

Sell Your Love

It's well documented that if we love our work, then we usually become experts at it and eventually the money shows up. Makes sense, but this is a slight shift on that concept. I want you to literally look at the concept of selling love for money. This has nothing to do with prostitution. Prostitution lacks love which is the core of what's wrong with that industry.

No, I'm talking about infusing your product with love before selling it. Love is a magical indescribable element that uplifts, nurtures, blesses, and lightens the recipient. Add it to your product and watch the profits soar.

By adding your love and light energy to your product, you are creating a product that uplifts, nurtures, blesses, or somehow lightens the life of the person purchasing your product. It will come across as so much more than just good customer service.

If you have two identical items of the same quality and price, the one with joy will magnetize the buyer. They may or may not be able to describe exactly what it was that made that product stand out over the others.

My mother is a perfect example of this concept. She is an entrepreneur at heart without any form of business school or higher education. Every business she's ever run has been extremely successful. She is organized and business smart, but that's not what sets her apart from everyone else.

She usually works in industries that she finds an interest in, however one time she decided to run an auto parts shop for my step dad. She was definitely not an expert in her industry. She dove in with an upbeat positive can-do attitude and got to work. Besides selling a quality product at a quality price, she infused the entire shop with her electric energy and light.

She is a natural salesman because she's so amazingly bright and cheerful. No matter what kind of business she's operating she treats every customer like a small town neighbor that she's known all of her life. I didn't grow up with her so as an adult visiting her, it was amazing for me to watch her work this special magic of hers.

She makes everyone feel smart, special, and cared about. People like to do business with her. She can charge whatever she wants and work as few or as many hours as she likes because people will gladly pay for that feeling they get when in her presence. Her customers and employees treat her with a certain hero worship.

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